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ÜÜ ÜÜÛÛÛÛÜÜ Ü²Ü ÜÜÜÛ²²ß ß²²ÛÛÛÜ ß ß °±²²²° Ü Þ²²ÛÛÛÛ Ü F4CG - since 1983! Ü²Ü ±²Û² ²² ßßßßßß ÞÛÜ Ü þ Û þ ±²Û² ÜÜÜÜ ßÛß ÜÛÛ² þ Ü²Ü ÜÜ Ü²ÛÜ Ü²Ü ÜÜ Ü±±²Ü²²ÛÛ ÝÞ²²ÛÛ ÜÛÛÛß Ü ß ÜÜÛÛ²ÛÜÜ ßß Ü ß ÜÜÛÛ²²ÜÜ °±±²ß ²ÛÛÛÜ Ü±²²ÛÛ²ÛÛÛß ÜÜÛÛ²ÜÜܲÛßß ß²ÛÛÛÛÜÜÜܲ²ß ßÛÛÛ²²±ÜÜ °±²Ý °²Û۲߱²²ÛÛ²²ÛÛß ÜÜ ÛÛ²²°²ÛÛÛ ±²Ý Þ²ÛÛÛ² ÛÛÛ² ²²Ü ßÛÛ²±ß ßßß ±²Û² Ü ²ÛÛÛÝ °²² ÛÛÛ² ²ÛÛÛ ²²² ßßßßßß ÛÛÛ² ²²± ²Û²± ±²Û² ±² ßß²²²ÜÜ ß ÛÛÛ² ²ÛÛÛ ²²² ÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÛÛÛÛ ²²± ²Û²± °±ÛÛ² ±²²²ÜÜÜ ßßßÛÛÛÛÛ² ²ÛÛÛ ±²Ý Þ²ÛÛÛÝ ²ÛÛÛ ²±° ²Û²±° ß °±²Û² °±²²ßßßßßß ²ÛÛ²ßß²ÛÛÜÜ Ü²ÛÛÛÛÛܲ²ÛÛÜ ß ÜÜÛÛ²²° ß Ü² °±²²²ÛÜ ÜÜÜܲ²ßßßßßßßßßßßßßß²²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÜÜ ßßÛÛÛßß Þ²²²±cpN²Ü ß±²²²²ßÛßßßßÛÛÛ²²ß ÜÜßßßßßßßßßßßÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ßßßßßß²²Û²ÛÛÜÜÜÛ²²±° ±²²²±ß ²Û²²²Ý ° ÞÛÛ²²Ý Þ²Ý ÜÜÜ ßßßßßß²ÜÜÜÜ ßßßß²ÛÛ²²± ²Û² ²Û² ß²ÜÜ ßÛÛ²²Ü ßß ²²ÛÛÛ presents ßßßß²ÜÜÜ ßß²±Ü Û² ²Û²² Þ²²Û ßßßÛÛÜÜÜÜÛÛß Ü ßß²Ü ß Û² ²Û² ܲßß Üß ßÜ ß²ßܲ۲ ²Û²²ß Ü²Ý Ironclads High Seas v1.3.1.8 Þ²Ü ²²Û² ²Û²Ý ±²²²ÜÜ (c) Strategy First Üܲ²²± Þ²Û² ²Û²ß ß±²ßßßßßß ßßßßßß²±ß ß²Û² ²Û² ²Û² ²Û² Cracker ....: Team F4CG Release Date ....: 03-16-2011 ²Û² ²Û² Supplier ...: Team F4CG OS Type .........: Windows ²Û² ²Û² Packer .....: GiftWrap Number Of Disks .: [xx/16] ²Û² ²²² Protection .: DRM Program Type ....: Game ²²² ±²² Ü Ü ²²± °±²²Ü²ÛÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ۲ܲ²±° °± ßßß²ÛÛÛÛÛ²²±±°° ° °° °°°°°°°°°°° °° ° °°±±²²ÛÛÛÛÛ²ßßß ±° ° ° Üܲ²ßßßß ßßßß²²ÜÜ ° ° °±Ü²²Ûß ßÛ²²Ü±° °±²²ÛÛÝ SITE: ÞÛÛ²²±° ±²²²²ÛÛÜ ÜÛÛ²²²²± ²Û² ßß²²ÛÜ ÜÛ²²ßß ²Û² ²Û² ²²ÜÜßß²Ü Ü²ßßÜܲ² ²Û² ²Û² ²²²±Ý ÞÛÝ ÞÛÝ Þ±²²² ²Û² ²Û² ²ßß Ü²ß ß²Ü ßß² ²Û² ²Û² ÜÜßß ßßÜÜ ²Û² ²Û²²ß RELEASE NOTES: ß²²Û² ²Û²Ý Þ²Û² ²Û² Ironclads High Seas asks the question...what if the U.S. ²Û² ²Û² Civil War had been fought as a naval battle? For over a ²Û² ²Û² year the forces of the United States of America (northern ²Û² ²Û² states) and the Confederate States of America (southern ²Û² ²Û² states) have fought a bitter war. It starts when, in ²Û² ²Û² 1862, the governments of Great Britain, France, and Spain ²Û² ²Û² recognize the Confederate States of America in order to ²Û² ²Û² secure the raw materials abundant in the south. As the ²Û² ²Û² southern government becomes dependent upon trade with ²Û² ²Û² Europe, the north imposes a complete blockade to stop ²Û² ²Û² import and export. When the south responds by buying ²Û² ²Û² warships from European allies, it sets the stage for a ²Û² ²Û² naval conflict for control of American trade routes! ²Û² ²Û² Choose a side, build a fleet, and destroy the enemy in ²Û² ²Û² this interesting historical simulation! ²Û² ²Û² ²Û² ²Û² ²Û² ²Û² INSTALLATION NOTES: ²Û² ²Û² ²Û² ²Û² 1. Unzip, unrar and install the program. ²Û² ²Û² 2. Enjoy ! ²Û² ²Û² ²Û² ²Û² ²Û² ²Û² ²Û² ²Û² GROUP NEWS: ²Û² ²Û² ²Û² ²Û² No group news available at this moment ... ²Û² ²Û² ²Û² ²Û² ²Û² ²Û² ²Û² ²Û² ÜÜß ßÜÜ ²Û² ²Û²Ü²²Û _\|/_ Û²²Ü²Û² ±²²²ÛÛÝ ÞÛÛ²²²± °±²²²ÛÛÜ PROGRAM PROVIDED FOR TEST PURPOSES ONLY! ÜÛÛ²²²±° °°± ßß²²ÛÜ IF YOU LIKE THIS PROGGIE, BUY IT! ÜÛ²²ßß ±°° °° ÜÜ ßß²Ü Ü²ßß ÜÜ °° ° ° ²²±Ü ÞÛÝ ÞÛÝ Ü±²² ° ° °° ±²²ß Ü²ß ß²Ü ß²²± °° °°± ßÜÜßß ßßÜÜß ±°° °±²²ß F4CG GREETINGS: ß²²±° ±²ÛÝ ÞÛ²± ²Û²ß All current and past F4CG members wherever you are. ß²Û² ²Û² All hard-working/secure groups in the real scene. ²Û² ²Û² ²Û² ²Û²²Ü ܲ²Û² ²Û²²ßß ÜÜß ßÜÜ ßß²²Û² ²Û² ܲ²ß ܲ ²Ü ß²²Ü ²Û² ²Û²±²²Ý ±²Ý Þ²± Þ²²±²Û² ܱ²²²ß±²²ÜÜ ßßÜ Üßß Üܲ²±ß²²²±Ü ß² ßß²²ÜÜ Üܲ²ß Ü Ü ß²²ÜÜ Üܲ²ßß ²ß Ü ßÛÛÛ²²ß Ü²Ý UPDATE [03-01-2006] Þ²Ü ß²²ÛÛÛß Ü ÞÛ²ÛÝ ²²²²ÜÜ Ü²Ü Üܲ²²² ÞÛ²ÛÝ ß²ÛÛß ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß ßÛÛ²ß Ü²²ÛÜ ascii by cpN of cRo in 2oo5 ÜÛ²²Ü |
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